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Document registry

The average quality manual consists of a few hundred documents. Good look keeping an overview of the current state of all your documents without the right tooling. Luckily there is AlisQI. AlisQI provides a ton of features for clever management of your quality manuals. The document registry is one of them. This article learns you all about this feature.


The document registry provides an overview of all quality documents, with their properties like owner, revision term and version numbers.
From this registry you can perform bulk modifications to your documents, like changing ownership.
The document registry can be accessed via Documents » Document registry


Use the filter functionality to create subsets of documents per owner, delegate or subtree.

Once filtered, you will see your selection of documents. You can then use this filter as input for bulk modifications.

Change roles in bulk

You can change roles for multiple documents at once with the Edit feature.
Read our articles Roles for more information.

Choose to change the roles of an explicit selection of documents, or the documents of a specific document owner or delegate. 

  1. First, choose which user will fulfill which role.
  2. Then you choose whether this should be done for a specific selection of documents, or for documents of a specific document owner.

    By selecting "Selected documents" checkboxes appear in the document list:

    Select the documents in scope for this bulk update action and hit "Save".
  3. All documents in scope will be updated, and changes are recorded in the change history of each document involved.

Deleted documents

The document registry provides an overview of all deleted documents.

For every deleted document you can download the latest version, as well as opening the audit trail to see the full change history per document.

Deleted documents can not be restored automatically.